Please follow these suggested healing instructions unless otherwise suggested by your artist.

  • Follow the Artist's Instructions: Your tattoo artist will provide specific aftercare instructions tailored to your tattoo and their preferred methods. Follow their guidance closely as they know the best practices for healing their work.

  • Keep It Clean: Gently wash your tattoo with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap. Use your clean hands to avoid introducing bacteria. Pat the area dry with a clean, soft cloth or let it air dry.

    Apply a Lotion: Apply a thin layer of lotion recommended by your artist or a medical professional. This helps keep the tattoo moisturized and creates a barrier against bacteria.

    Avoid Over-Moisturizing: While keeping the tattoo moisturized is important, applying too much ointment can clog pores and hinder the healing process. Follow the recommended application frequency.

    Avoid Picking or Scratching: It's natural for a tattoo to itch during the healing process, but scratching can damage the tattoo and increase the risk of infection. Gently pat or tap the itchy area instead.

    Avoid Soaking: For the first few weeks, avoid soaking your tattoo in water, whether it's in a bathtub, swimming pool, or hot tub. Showers are recommended.

    Wear Loose Clothing: To prevent friction and irritation, opt for loose-fitting clothing that won't rub against your tattoo.

    Protect from the Sun: Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds during the healing process. Once fully healed, use sunscreen to prevent fading.

    Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can contribute to healthier skin and aid in the healing process.

    Listen to Your Body: If you notice any signs of infection (excessive redness, swelling, pus, or increasing pain), consult a medical professional.

    Healing Time: Healing times vary, but most tattoos take about 2-4 weeks to fully heal. During this time, your tattoo might go through peeling, flaking, and itching - these are normal parts of the healing process.

If you have any questions please call
The Hive at 503.208.3272